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2022: the book of things

For this honors experience, I wanted to dive back into my love of words and poetry. I have been writing poetry for as long as I could read. I remember sitting in a tree in my grandmother’s front yard, writing my first poems as a seven-year-old. Not too long ago, I would fill in the margins of my notebooks in high school with poetry. I even wrote my high school senior thesis on the importance and often overlooked beauty of free verse poetry.

Although words have been a huge part of my life for years, ever since I graduated from high school I have hesitated to jump back into reading and writing poetry. In this honors experience, I had the opportunity to once again explore the world of words. I gained inspiration by reading Walt Whitman, Emily Dickenson, and E.E. Cummings; spending some time at poetry nights held at a nearby coffee shop; and simply pausing throughout the rush of the day to spend time outside.

Below is a selection of about 80 of 100 of my poems. Many are inspired by the sky, time, and my love of words.

the book of things


give the words life.


where the light touches

where the light touches we


small specks of grey-green in the


ever-gossamer stars, fascinated by our own

cool glow.

where the light touches we


briefly, then

fade away, washed from the chalkboard sky by the

crimson tears of dawn.

where the light touches we


like television-static, breaking up a lightning’d sky,

falling like electric rain from

frazzled wires.

where the light touches we





shine, then -

we disappear.


look up

i see constellations in your eyes

the glimmer of galaxies

the sparkle of stars.

one glance and i’m

lying on the blacktop again

listening to the thoughts rush out as the other kids

run by-

they stare, for a second

ask why we’re

looking at the


but they don’t look up.

they only wonder at how strange it is that two people lie on the

ground when it’s


but there are pinpricks of light-!

so small, yet

bigger than a thousand


they don’t see how

the light shining on the pebbles blinks like

galaxies too and the way the sky stretches like a warm velvet blanket made of

cold outer space and

wraps around you in the dark,

reminding you that there’s so much

greater than this

little blue earth with its

flashes of light and its pin-cushion pines and its

rainy-still ponds and its


so small.

we lay on a crystal of rock up in space and we look at the light and we

laugh and we cry and we

say our goodbyes-

but sometimes, just sometimes, we stare out at the stars

they’re lavender blue and they’ve been wrapped around you and your

ancestors since the world’s

first flare-

yet so often we forget that they’re there!



we’re but

whistles in the wind

piecemealed back together with a

poem or a pin-

words etched out on a stone or two

or five or nine or ten-

small, and small, yet smaller-!

still is our demise

a wrinkled, icy hailstone

crushed, dropping from the skies

once majestic, now so common

melting in the rain

stares up from the sidewalk and

blindly blinks in vain.


a piece of you

to think that

so many of my words,

like butterflies, are

pieces of you.


of your


dewdrops of your



abstract rain


tattered flag.

ugly but it’s the

last symbol of


brandished, burned

caught on the edge of the sword

tearing fear in two

breaks anew

river, swollen with rain, drips down a mountain

glistening red under a yellow moon

a single stone.

a scar.

a knife.


a mother’s heart breaks under an umbrella.

a pinprick acorn, slowly crushed under a

burnished boot.



new rain on fresh-fallen grass.

dew on a cold hand.

hot water sizzles, slaps the pavement

flames, hungry fingers, spew hate on

red walls.

cracks in the cement.

lonely dandelion.

shattered world still peering at the sky

a star winks.

a plane whirrs.

metal shell falls to the earth.

tossed like a butterfly and then -

an atom splits.





tangerine-clouded mango wrapped like a

leaf around a cool blue


dripping in twinkling jeweled lights that

fall from its fleecy banks in flaming

bursts of color.

it’s the rhythm and beat of humanity, stormy

turmoil sprinkling frozen shards of ice to the


it’s the cloud-whipped tornado that

sweeps into prismic color when the winds are gone but the

rain still mists

it’s power, and it’s peace

it’s broken, and it’s bright

it’s the first ray of sunshine that silences the weary night.

it’s the baby-pink sunrise and the vermillion-washed beach,

a silent-deep wasteland and a

soft’ning white sea.

it’s a paradox, bringing at once hope and despair

filled with light or

black with gloom.

sending heavenly tears to flood the



radiant, ever-changing canvas of





used to be a

dinosaur in my

past life

but somewhere,

at some distant childhood moment


tore a piece of me


now i walk



autumn tumbler

the crisp, full bodies of leaves

fall to the ground

lie in the warm-reflecting shadows of


now wet and wrinkled, they

skim the pavement, dancing

with thoughts of

blaze-yellow berries.

tossed over the empty rocker of a

limb, peeling away

til they find themselves caught by the glow of a

bright-embered fire.

rolicking, endlessly, ‘til winter’s first frosts

freeze their light bodies within

cloud-etched icicles.


a clean universe

the small dark

washes over blinking stars that

prick the dim night with

impenetrable light;

blotting the inky earth with

millions of blinking hopes;

scattered across the ground’s dark face;

speckling the clean universe with

shreds of white impenetrable light -

and the small dark

is diminished.


pleasant face

draw dragon dotted

monogram mouth

freckled and spotted

hairline runs south

rivers of wrinkles

pushing past eyes

decades of dimples

eons of skies.


on design

it is the natural order of humanity to see


to visualize colors, running rivers of

motion and

shape and


to see light in the form of an oval,

shine in the outline of a star

contrast through the

blended layers of the sky

lines in the rhythm of music

furious scribbles in the order of anxiety

and the aching drops

of a burning mind.



Are thoughts quiet?

Subtle, sleek -

Or breaking apart

They crack, they shriek

Are dreams anguished?

Do they fear -

Or only fill with

Unshed tears -

Are thoughts lonely?

Their one design

To determine

or decline -

Are thoughts vanquished?

Rote mentor

Spewing others’ dusty lore

Are thoughts magic?

Gift of God

Intelligence or

Just quite broad.


photon sun

you are the sun in your own universe

the sunken glow of a

molten puddle.

spending eternity in wait,

eyeing the infinite orbits of

carbon-etched spheres.

watching the crystal stars spread

their photon-wings in

mock abandon.

spinning, careless of fate,

gazing upon shattered-glass

atoms and broken-eyed


you are the sun, seemingly

great, but merely


abandoned in your own swirling sea of




i just want to sit in the sun and

warm myself in its rays.

i’m sorry, is it hard to hear you over the

loudness of my thoughts?

they crush me under their

cluttered branches.

the foliage of thought seems deep and dim.

yet blindingly loud.

brilliantly loud.

speaking to me, the words crowd

my vision, making it impossible to

focus, though all i want is


to be able to sit and stare at the

sky and accept that it is

big and


to be able to gaze at the clouds and feel warmth and

nothing else.

to see the pale tree-needles and

state, with confidence that they are


not merely to feel my soul bowed over and

heavy with



a panicked raindrop

why do people run from the rain?

panicked and dismal, dripping in vain

droplets down drooping

icy and cool

fleeing the damp that rolls down to their soul.


rainy day

little droplets slipping down the window

intricate, delicate

different, all the same

floating down the blue-gray horizon.

tossed among puddles, the one

drop becomes infinite

crashing, all together, in itself as



rivulet, in flourishing



sudden storm

wet rain clings to my fingertips, tossing my

hair my

head my


cold clear rain pelts my hands like acryline

bullets, pulsing my skin til it

joins with my veins.

face toward the storm, mouth halfway open as i

laugh at the bullets,

laugh at the cold confidence of the

sky, though it

shatters and

clings to my lashes.

racing the rain, at once tired and


watching the wind-whipped clouds as they

coat the sky like lightning-dipped


on the run, tasting the water as it

slaps my tongue-

breathing in the rain, electric with the energy of the



to touch the sun

the sun rises on God's world every morning,

slipping its starstruck folds about a cool


the sun grazes earth’s face every morning,

blinking as it stumbles near, then

receding into the night sky.

what would it be like to bite into the sun?

its rosy gold juice pouring like

steam from

planet-orbed pores.

to slip your teeth round its soft fiery glow,

to bask in the burn?

what would it be like to bite

into the sun?

i wonder

and my mind seems to hear

the clack of fire on stone.



the lake's blue skin

wrinkles, then tears-

like an abstract, watery wound

it drips upon the shore

spreading endless aquamarine harmony,

bursting like a bridge, folding beneath the linear power of a

current-thundering flood

the tides rise in and pause,

elevate themselves, merge with sky and

sun-browed universe.

the tide melds with the lovely blue glow of the horizon,

freckles the land with fine hyphens of water-drops,

then dissolves into mist.


On the sweet taste of the universe

Number the stars.

Can't you see how they are uncontainable?

How their vastness melts across the surface of the earth with some great light?

Look at them.

The very rolling of that velvet blackness sends fire

melting across your tongue

look at the stars.

candy coated sprinkles

pop rocks, melded in fire across the cavernous heavens.

their faint glow,

eons of light-years away,

still leaves the sweetest taste in my mouth.


gold bone army

the trees with their skeleton arms


leaning, touching the sky

scratching gold out of its

grey surface

sunrays, etched into black board

monochrome abstract of black and streak

bony trees, wrapped in gold filament

clutching the cloak of the sky close to their

frail bodies.

gasping for some last, bleeding ray of




watching the puddled rain pool in circles from the

showerhead, flinging its transparent blood towards the unforgiving


it slips, round and

tall from the

fountain-head which is its


pulling itself apart into

myriad little


softly, water-droplets

ring the surface of the earth like

gold on fine china,

rare - then

spatter the sidewalk with shimmering light.

like jewel-clear sequins, spilling and

pooling within the radiant.

sheeny, metallic, bold, rocking and rimming the

ever-building circles with

ringlets of their own.

prolific, pacific, spreading across pavement, spreading across the rain til only

starry gleams remain upon the sea.

that fire mist which

coats the droplets

cling to the walls, clings to my hair, coats

milky heav’n and

rainbowed earth in

whistling serenity.

the source of the sky-ocean stopped, only the

memory remains.

only the light-tattered sky-droplet stays,

forgotten in the sun,

forgotten in its

unfamiliar glow.


sky / eye

the clear, stark, blue rim of the


rolls like a bowl into the


flutters in the hazy morning

gleam of

light-fettered dust.

waves of color wrap and fade the highway of the earth’s

surface, rippling in insane lines towards the orb’s dark


bristles of sound halo the planet, echo the crystal


and the great blue roundness of the earth lies,

diminished -

an icicle adrift in the current of




d r e a m i n g o f a n t a r t i c a

you are pure art

unity of form, of movement, unblemished


but i can’t touch you.

i’m separated by your light

blocked out by your curtain of glow

permeating, reaching through me

it’s that eternal desire

mankind reaches, stretches

searching for love, for meaning

drowning in our history, wanting something


we reach for the heavens, scraping the stars-

but our fingers blossom and burn.

the pure, crystal atmosphere merely

seeps our own lungs in


however much we


however much we


we still remain fenced within a cage of our own making.

we’re cold

locked in icy prisms, merely

dreaming of



second draft

i am a book

that is being rewritten

bare, then bold at the

blink of an eye

i am a star

with the moon it is smitten

bright, then white as a

salt-spangled sky

i am a candle

like silver wind its smoke whispers

snap, and light-flame turns to dust

i am a mind

that is patchworked and glist’ning

watch, and patchwork turns to rust.



that braided-grass smile

it flits upon her unexpectedly

the dewdrops of a voice when they

crystalize upon her lips

the radiant threading lines

as they stem across a face now clouded

trails of light, or beams of water

as they cut their sunburned creases

crossing rainy fields of freckles

forming leaping sunny rivers

trailing all across the morning

breezes dancing in their wake -

and the warmth of it spreads, flitting, spinning

flipping towards her face.


the sunshine people

some people are pure light

a rope of stars

wading through the darkness

stretched, almost to breaking,

winking out into blackness, sizzling like a broken

bulb-yet, still

the sunshine people continue to

bestow light-

never mind that they’re

fading away!

some people are

beautiful in their flaws

like cracked pavement reflecting in the rain.

trampled underfoot, crushed with

words, battered in a hailstorm of hurt-

“look at you, all grey and dark and broken and battered-!”

how can they be so blind?

how can they attempt to

stamp out another’s weak light?


sidewalk love

your love is like the

rough chalk that scrapes neon

powder onto the


bold and

bright and


your love is like a radiant

edged stone,

crumbling gently into


so new and

clean and


i can only hope that you will not be







tossing on high

soaring on


melting the


flipping in rivulets

skipping through souls

oh what a strange thing it

is to grow old!


on a pond

i feel like i just realized i’m

growing up.

staring with your eyes closed at the

cool mists of a faded-gray pond

listening to the slap of water on water

a stray droplet specks your cheek, you

open your eye for a second

gaze at the faded bristles of

pines and cedars standing out, stark, on the

cool, sharp

evening sky-

a stray bird bobs its head, dipping

in and out of sight upon the still screen of the lake.

scratched by the wind.

a rust patch peers through the green of the

bench, strokes your fingers

gently, gently.

you breathe in the sweet, green rot of

pond upon stones and a million memories

wash over you at

once, lapping across the horizons of your mind

like the faded grey clouds that blossom

against the sky.

you taste the sweet, silent dew as it brushes your

lips and realize you just








being alive is a gift-

enjoy it.

breathe deeply and

roll fully in it.

soak up the goodness of the


drip in all the goodness of the


wrap yourself in the clouds, envelop yourself among

the birds’ fluttering wings.

swoop and soar, bend and breathe,

bathe in the still of the starlight.

only wash yourself in the plains of the sky,

and you shall feel clean at last.


i am content

i am content with a sunset.

with your love, and a sunset

streaked across the earth’s pane.

i am content with a cloudburst.

with your love, and a cloudburst

dancing upon the ceiling of rain.

i am content with a starred-night.

with your love, and a starred-night

pricked with light and space.

i am content with you, and my life

with your love, and my life

echoing in light’s pure taste.



i stare out upon the

blue glaze of summer

her wide irises stare back

an infinite milky gaze reflecting like powdered chalk,

skimming the surface of imagination.


do you hear it?

the sound of silence.

of peace dripping in, like rain upon my pen.

slipping like violets, crushed lightly underfoot,

bounding in inviolate indigo energy.


do you see it?

over, across the horizon

there, just there-!

a single, perfect, pure spot of joy

lines the blossoming clouds as they pour like

smoke from the great emerald jaws of the horizon.

there, over the hilltops-!

caught among the well-crowned boughs of summer

the speck of blissful peace lies close, within




beautiful human

how i never guessed you would

envelop my world.


outside work

they are so beautiful in the sunlight

finally real and


earth-child, long hidden in the

capsule of darkness,

breaking forth like a cool

geode within splinters of gold.

alive, arched, unanchored, free -

not tossed into the ash heap, rolling in scurrilous splendor

not beetle-bugged within leafy jungles

of their own disbelief

and these new sunlight people -

these old sunlight people -

they glimmer and gleam, whitewashed and


innocent and unaware

transfixed in time.


pop rock stars

number the stars.

can’t you see how they are uncontainable?

how their vastness melts across the surface of the earth with some great light?

look at them.

the very rolling of that velvet blackness sends

fire melting across your tongue.

look at the stars.

candy-coated sprinkles

pop-rocks, melded in fire, across the cavernous heavens

their faint glow,

eons of lightyears away,

still leaves the sweetest taste in my mouth.


40 thousand

there’s forty-thousand people on this beach tonight.

forty-thousand crowded people

aching in the starlight.

they’re staring at the glitter -

staring at the gold-green glitter

which swipes and scrapes the sky in

dripping volumes.

their shapes are dazzling.

distracting, in how they cast our

darkening forms across the


all eyes are

cast upon the sky, rocking its inky

blackness from

atmosphere to


but I, I cannot keep my face from the

waves, from their crisp curling tendrils which lap faintly,

fondly against the sand.

i cannot tear my sight from the land, melting like sugar in the water’s warm


from the way the sea lies like lace and like

scarlet, stiff -

then full -

against the thrust of the earth.

from the morse-code of

bubbles and

droplets, diveting the creamy grey

shore in

stretched grey diamonds.

the sea is round and scuffed, like a quarter,

the land hard and cold and thin, thin as a dime’s

rough edge.

it ridges and bends, resolute in its cavernous

cliffs and deep


i stand

(in the sand)

let my toes roll in its

folds -

sink into the unending

zero which is the sunken sky -

i stand in the sand alone -

though forty-thousand people sit, hushed, nearby.


highway song

it’s those crosses on the highway -

shivering, tremulous in the

scattershot air like

coarse strings plucked -

they stand in the stones off the median like broken white teeth,

like teeth which have weathered and rot in their


cracked glass from a

satyr ston’d.

they tremble in the air, insecure upon the

tendril of a tendon, their thin stakes planted only so

firmly against the


strings of earth’s very


their ribbons ruffle one another, intertwined, braced,


and white, so, so white.

dreadfully pale, like the frightened birds which

mark the grave-picked rubble-

little pale pickets, stolid and

steady like the firm light backs of the

sparrows on a fence.

like the dirty, forgotten sparrows.

sparrows by the grave-picked rubble where once

sirens streamed and lights


yet we still flow by -

cars rumbling, oil pumping, dazzling the exhaust which pours from our

blind-open faces.

irreverent of the danger close at hand.

ignorant of those last wailing notes of life which once,

not too long ago,

mingled with the notes those

sirens sung.

swishing the ribbons which

dangle and fold like the feathers of those sparrows,

swishing the ribbons which press

tremulous arms towards the trucks’

sharp tires.

gripping the angle where rubber meets


forgotten memories among the asphalt,

spill among the asphalt,

dusty and




letter drip

words drip from my


into my


they flood the page, then they

race back


lett’rs split like


falling in


they slip and they

flip as they

dance down the


words flow like water, they

crackle like


a cloud-chilled black

medley with

inklings of


syllables, like rivers

splash towards the


of paragraphs, puddling like

oceans of




staring at the throbbing, vivid hum of humanity

words pour out of me.

they have no limit, reaching, grasping, defying all borders

keeping me awake, rushing through my head as I

stare at the clock.

like Hamlet, I am afflicted by




the first time you look at me, i am blindingly



i am the one pulsing behind every street corner, bustling through nurseries.

i am the feeble gleam within the oldest of your people

yet, seldom do you think of me

of the force of my soul, burning through rivers, scratching the sky

bearing a transparent ribbon, weaving through creatures

i am the spark within the firefly

flipping its wings for a moment -

then i am gone

i am behind the iridescent eyes of the newborn child

the chatter of the squirrel and the green of the oak tree

the bend of each and every curving leaf

yet, every leaf crumbles

every step fades

every soul slips

every smile is stolen

every star shrinks and i

fade away.



the inexplicable urge to create

it draws at me, tugging,

scrawling across pages, over notes, under tables

words pour through my fingers like water

sieves of words, softly falling, shattering

against the page like broken

china sheltering boxes of letters,

blotches, fragments, rivers of


like sandpaper, rubbing away at the creases of my

mouth, fighting icy boredom like

fire, spewing inky

scallops like seashells on a

paper-white beach.

and the words, always the words-!

their pigeon-paws come running back to




the falling of the words

dazzles the page

serifed lightning bugs draped in ink

an endless shower of images

eternally scratched into a single fold of time by a

wild mind running from the rain.

a sweet breeze races across the lawn-

sizzles and singes the hot grass

scrapes her mind, just for an instant

before it’s imprinted, indelible in memory.



the rain blots the

still crescendo’d spirals of my pen, and i

smile as the words which have

poured from my head now







fragmented frontal lobe

pulsing with thought

the words are waiting

watching through needle-sharp iris for

some drop of wind, some fog, some frost-streaked pane

to soothe their ever-anxious sight.


overwhelming, all-encompassing

blocking the words, trapping them within, until they

pound at the temples.

brave thoughts, valiant thoughts

eager, desperate to escape, to do some damage-


perpetual thoughts-

their many-colored stubble, swirling through the fields of


words smooth stubble into endless flat plains of

letters, infinite grassy knolls where one can lie down and


only when the words have left is there any semblance of

silence of thought.


and dreams

are my escape from reality.


permit my pen to cease

i write until

the light goes down

til sky scrapes earth in pinking shades.

til night comes, static,

flowing with white-spangled tresses

o’er evenings purple shade.

i write until the infinite kiss of the earth

bends upward for all space to hear.

then, only then, will i

permit my pen to cease.

then, only then, will i

greet the night as an old friend

and retire til morning.


she shuffles words

she shuffles words

forming them into shapes no one’s

seen before.

ripping the keys from the screen,

tearing them from the typewriter

heaving them haphazard in ripples cross a page

glazing the letters, like cream colored tile, and

running their serifs across her


their sharp bristles prick at her spine.

the cool, round curves and humps of the letters

brush upward across her chest, deep green

like the back of a leaf.

and she feels the taste, the taste of the

letters across her tongue -

rich against the back

of her throat.




wa ter

drop lets

beam down the



they crack

le in

the rain.


they burst

like can

dy stones.


they dry

up to

their home.



city to me

heartbeat raps on the battered lawn door

and dreams go tap on the old cement floor

and the mind is swinging, swinging along

as the old - boom - clock is clonking its song

and the days, the days are waddling along

and the ways, the ways life beats its rhythm

by the glow, the glow of a dirty streetlight

near the road, the road, in the middle of the night.



what if all this stopped being


some time ago and

we’ve all just fallen into a

waking dream.

what if one day the assembly-line sky of our

imaginations just

blotted away reality as we

pretend to live on-


in reality we’re only



time is a ballroom


is a ballroom

ribbons and folds

waltzes and marches o’er

night-paths like



are a prison

open, but bright

yet so often we hide from

confinement of



fly like seasons

harvests, then cold

too quickly their measure

wilts down and grows



like a myriad of

shattered-glass spires

colors the pavement as

time whirls ‘long the




there are millions,

millions of actions we could do

each and every second

yet we

form limits

build walls

create routines

seek monotony.

imagine -

every second is a moment where

you could change your life

an opportunity

would you take it?



just a wink

just a flip of an eye

just to drink

just to dip in the sky

just an inch

just a mile or two

just a kid

just a spiral of youth.


When Our Time Is Up

When our time is up, will we

Remember the joy that we saw in

Another’s eyes as the

Stars dimmed out and the

Field hummed softly-?

The words, always the words

They go on



Sometimes spotty

Gone for a minute, a year

But back again, flowing, like pictures, thoughts

Spilled on paper, like milk soaking through and-

Time spins on.

Yet we’re caught in the moments

Staring at little bothersome details as a

Whole portrait is painted

Seeing only the speck in a masterpiece

A double letter in the novel

While the whole sheaf of papers dazzles in the dew

Time spills on, rushing, flowing

Continues to tip and whirl

Some moments blur like paint in spilled ink.

Colors, words, laughter

These are the brief moments, memories that we call


So wonderful, yet so brief-!


the pier

darkness stands on the

edge of the pier.

horizon meets

icy indigo beach

an infinite watery sea of

blue-black night.

the boundless stars sprinkle light about the earth’s

cool sphere while endless

waves lap weathered boards with

rough emotion.

she feels the urge to reach, to climb, to pull herself

up, over the railing, clutching at the trails of light as their blinking rope guides her onward,

wishing to be one with the endless blackness that is night. to be swallowed whole by the peaceful vacuum of time.

the planes of history seem to stop, to intersect

standing still on the axis of eternity, wobbling on the brink of the infinite abyss -

the warm shore-breeze envelops her and she gently

tips, softly

tilting through the air like a broken

leaf that has forgotten its past


forgotten its

roots, its branches - and she is


tumbling past the aged wood posts of the pier until at last

she meets the cold ocean kiss of the

ever-lapping waves.

the infinite cool black swallows her and she feels herself letting






stars pepper the sky

like white-rimmed fireflies

slowly burning out in the

great darkness.

days speckle the earth

like milky dewdrops

glistening on the gossamer-strand of time.

men fragment the land

like a broken-flecked mirror

etching castles in dusty earth.

lives slip through the world

softly rotating like planets

‘til the silent strands of night cover them all.


hold the rain

hold the rain.

hold the tears of the soul which so quickly echo and

bask and

wash away.

hold the rain as the tears of the sky slip down

thundering and

wailing in the moment, then

bursting forth from

cloud-baked heavens,

resplendent in fog-etched glamour,

the sorrows of some celestial soul drip, then

dry like wisps of sunshine caught among the rooftops.

folding into cataclysmic spirals, rocking into mere memories of


how quickly do the quiet rivers


how quickly do the tears of heaven fade-!

only in life

as earth’s rough waters tumble

we soon forget all hope, are carried to the grave.


let the moons pass by

let the moons pass by

let them pass by dancing

let them pass by dancing and twirling in the night.

let the stars pass by

let them pass by glowing

let them pass by glowing and shimm’ring with gold light

let the fields pass by

let them pass by spinning

let them pass by spinning and hymning through earth’s glare

but you, oh my child,

you shall not pass by

but shall rise up, awakened, in the air-!


to the unknown, entomb’d

“there was a world before us...yes, even below us...”


stay awhile...

two dog tags.

a letter.

a hair ribbon from some lover long ago.

wrapped in the scrap of a knapsack

some sundry worthless fragments of tin and steel

these are all that remain of a father

a lover-

a brother-

and for what?

washed away, like tide-shards on a beach?

crushed into the ashes, like so many crumbling cigarettes?

scraped into the earth, like clay pigeons,

tumbling from

the sky?

bounded and bonded among brushed metal, like a

crudely fashioned nail of iron?

what gains it, for a man, to allow his body to be burned,

his lifetime to lie shattered and spoiled among the dust?

his figure splattered and melded with pavement like so much

empty clay?

how fares he, when his life, his loves, his achievements are

brushed up into a


so many fragments of a man.

so many fragments of

tin and

bone and


and how menial are the chirps of

“liberty” or

“freedom” or

“patriotism!” when the bones of

human souls lie, scattered in the ashes.

and all for what?

for a plot of ground?

for a breath of wind?

there, you may pass on now.

but oh my darling, tread carefully-!

for the memories of dear, plundered


lie below-!


november: the frost child

the frost lies crisp against the pumpkins

shivering breath against their warm sides

inching up, white and brittle, against round flesh

eating away October's ripe harvest

supple sides now crumble with age,

golden fruit now a burning-white beacon in the dew

and the frosts' cool, viselike grip upon the sides of the fruit

"melts, thaws, and dissolves itself into a dew"

like Denmark's prince, long weary of life and limb

folding itself into loose-shaken ringlets

and autumn's sweet orange heart

lies consumed in the



the sky-elevator

there is an elevator lies lies askant the earth

that floats from beam to bob on some

unwearied chain

which rocks and rolls within magnetic mirth

an asteroid adrift in gold-flecked rain.

and the elevator swings from rift to pass

like nebulae rotating in full bloom

the color of the stars begins to blossom

its beauty flecked alone by many moons

and this sea abounds with inf’ite constellations

rotating long past rolling spherey balls

like marble, spreading stony and contagious

crossing its beams ‘bout the universe’s hall

oh, to sleep alone aside a sunset-!

oh, to rest among the burning beams

oh, to wrap the sunlight into garlands

and to snap the cinders into keys

til the final, brilliant, radiant starbursts

curl brighter into loos’ning streams

and the spirals break that crystal chamber

to prick the sleeper, now at last at peace.



the end


the world goes smash.

one falls.

many lives

looking down


that hospital bed

was full of



winking out

an even rhythm

ripples, crumbles

broken stardust streams through dark hands

the end of an age-!

no rest, it rumbles

hear the tingling hourglass-sands

drips of rain-

flake from cloudbacks

drape the world in grey and white

foggy plains

aghast and breathless


then smothered, without light.


Tangled Turmoil

We are all controlled by strings Essences of lifeless things Void of laughter, void of wrong Missing mind and joy and song Missing laughter, missing time Gaining endless work and grime Losing rhythm, losing beat Groveling on foul-laced street We were worthless, were despised Fought with fury, blinded eyes Fought and stumbled, fought with shame Lost all glory in our names We were drowning, in the muck We were lost, we were stuck Broken, fragments of our lives Patched together in a guise We were patchwork, we were grains Of a shattered pott’ry vase Couldn’t turn away our sights Or destroy strings, woven tight We were sinking in the brook We were lost, all forsook We were flound’ring underneath A masterpiece of unbelief We were tangled, we were shorn We were dying, when we’re born We were lost in lands of bones Deserted under catacombs Tied onto a subway track Hearing the wheels go click and clack We were forgeries, we were vain We were proud and torn with pain Rocked in cataclysmic lies Filled with ghastly hopes and cries We were shriveling, all insane We were making our own chains Grasping at the promised key Hoping for eternity Minds were darkness, empty tombs What thoughts do fester in those lifeless rooms! Void of laughter, shaped of stones Idols to our lifeless bones In our coffins, lid nailed shut On the ground had tombstones put With every conscious misbehave Decidedly deepened our new graves Suffocated, the stale air Gloomy thoughts imprisoned there Light now streams, but broken minds Never can true life realize Land deserted, splashing waves Roll down our salt-streaked, empty face Shattered china, roaring cliff Bottlenecked within this rift Corked and pinned like some great leaf An insect broken and in grief Roiling lava, burning cave Fiery comets on our graves Deadly lash, the weight of lives Spent in worthless ego time Colorless crosshatch, red reprise Here go now our wasted lives.


as i move on


all the stars in the sky

couldn’t stop you.

couldn’t stop your daring smile, as you

blinked at the bridge in one last


against the sneering world.

couldn’t keep you from stumbling

onward, determined to pluck

the black-browed crown from the cloudy-peak of no return.

couldn’t erase the all-encompassing sense of mortality that finally

washed over you and

swallowed you


so i whisper, and wonder why i’m

standing on the edge of an overwhelming

sense of reality.


i hear the sky mourning

i hear the sky mourning.

the people twist and sing in the rain

yet the earth drips benevolently.

i hear the land sizzling.

burnt bolts of lightning strike the dust-clad ground

yet the chapped land sips fire through famished lips.

i hear the hail crackling

solid simmering ice against fire-scarred timber

i hear the stones tumble, rattling gravel through their salt-strewn beds

i taste the tongues of fire, stripping the bare-branched earth like

some great yellow dragon

i watch as the drought, streaming fire from its brass belly, swallows up the brittle grasses

i hear the earth pass away-

and i stand alone.


november twenty-eight

mailslot eyes

looking through me, listless, forgotten-

dreary eyes

shocking eyes.

their cold, clear gaze blinks once, staring straight through me.

phantom, where do you come from?

i whisper, hardly daring to

glance away.

the wordless stare sends a

blue shiver down my

empty spine.

those eyes, those darkening, chasm-rocked eyes-!

they are my own.



the chord of tension-

stretched so tight that if a finger falls upon its gentle line

all will break-

shattering in a cacophony of

cantankerous dischord.

notes plucked, one by one, til one last nerve-wire


its garbled music stripped and strained,

hanging threadbare in the wind-

do not touch it, gentle stranger!

though it tempts like crackling ice-

do not press that chord of tension!

lest all the chaos of sound gently break!


after the funeral

the heavy air wrings its

aching fists upon my

trembling hands.

the land buzzes, vibrates, rolls with motion

tumbling my thoughts,

making my head spin

pressing upon gasping lungs

mind dips, deep-drinking the humidity,

inebriated with the chaos of the



heavy soul

her soul feels


her eyes are lowered and


seeking, wanting to free herself

for a moment from the words.

from the thoughts.

wanting to free herself from her

mind so that

she can see clearly at



leaf cyclone

it’s days like these

where the world’s beauty is so wonderfully terrible

that I’m afraid to show my face to it.

where the carcasses of leaves whirl within dusty

cyclones, sticking their pointed paper-claws into my


origami hands.

their sharp sticky fingers grasp at my


lovely, leafy hands

pricking the people with

stars in their




the world is not a gridpoint of toothpicks.

no, how could we reduce our

granite forests

to such irreverent gleam?

shattering the splintered woods into

sturdy beacons, breaking the beauty of a solitary

universe between

bend and brim.

bottling the still, quiet song of the starlight within your

polluted horizons, yea, trample upon it, churn it within your factories,

shackle it, wreck it and trample it and

tear the thin lands apart until their

pearl-sandy beaches


what is the world, unless it is

quantified callously?

how can we auction the beauty written in

the abacus of our fingertips?

and what should be man’s desire - to

burn and to

break and to bend and

brim this

earth-weary load -

no, it will explode!


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